Sunday, May 06, 2007

I hate carrots.

I will sometimes eat carrots to make my mother happy. I know that they are good for me especially since bad eyes run in my family and yet the fact remains that I hate carrots. So in an effort to eat something other than green vegetables, I decided that I would have to find a way to eat some kind of orange vegetable.

Carrot Fries are a good way to eat carrots. When these came out of the oven, I commented to Paul on how good they looked. Paul looked at the fries and said, "That's 'cause they look like seasoned fries." I started to get excited by this observation, "Maybe they'll taste like seasoned fries!" Well they don't taste like seasoned fries but they don't really taste like carrots either. So I still don't like carrots but I can eat Carrot Fries to get some orange vegetable in me.

Carrot Fries

3 Carrots, cut into fry shape
1 Tbl Oil

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Coat the Carrot sticks in the Oil, Salt, and Pepper. Put the Carrots in a pan and try to keep them from touching each other. Bake for 30 minutes.

We ate ours with some ketchup to further disguise the carrot flavor.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Vaguely Healthy Omelet - at least it's not a donut

So lately, I've been attempting to make more nutritionally balanced meals. My success is not very encouraging, but I've decided to just keep at it until I get it right.

Goat Cheese Omelet with Green Onions and Oregano

1 Tbl Butter
3 Eggs
2 Tbl Green Onions, chopped
1 tsp Oregano, chopped
3 oz Goat Cheese, crumbed

Whisk the Eggs, Green Onions, and Oregano. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium-low heat. When the butter starts to foam add the Egg Mixture. Gently shake the skillet until the bottom eggs are set. Add the Goat Cheese and gently stir the top of the eggs without scraping the bottom eggs. Continue to stir the top eggs occasionally until the omelet is cooked. When the omelet is cooked, you can either fold it in half or fold it in thirds.